Museum of Fires Past- Fire & Emergency

Although you are four times more likely to survive a house fire with a functioning smoke alarm,  over a million New Zealanders still didn’t have the correct amount installed.

We gave them a reason.

The Museum of Fires Past is an exhibition of charred artefacts retrieved from real house fires. Each item was crafted alongside fire experts to accurately reflect the devastation of fire.

AXIS: Silver (Art Direction & Typography) - Bella’s Teddy

AXIS: Silver (Art Direction & Typography) - Bruce’s Sneaker

AXIS: Bronze (Art Direction)

AXIS: Bronze (Photography)

AXIS: Finalist (Special Build Outdoor)

AXIS: Finalist (OOH Campaign)

Best Awards: Silver (Design Craft: Photography)

AdStars: Silver (Outdoor Stars - Ambient)

The Work: Featured (Ambient/Guerrilla) 

The Work: Featured (Experiential + Immersive) 

The Work: Featured (Out of Home)

The Work: Featured (Print Craft - Photography)

The Work: Featured (Work for Good)

Best Ads: Best Outdoor

Best Ads: Best Radio


same energy. probably cheaper.

